Saturday, 8 February 2025

Third Time Lucky

 A grotty day weather wise with plenty of grey clouds and the occasional drop of rain to dampen any enthusiasm for outdoor endeavours unless of course that is you happen to be a birder! Alan Shorrock and I ignored the unpromising conditions and decided to roll the dice and try for a third attempt to see an uncommon goose this year. Previous efforts so far had met with failure but that didn't put us off, our target this morning being once again the Cogenhoe White-front.

White-fronted Goose

Ring-necked Parakeets were calling  from nearby trees as we left the car and made our way towards the lock, a Great White Egret was noted flying along the river. There was a distinct lack of geese in the general area between the lock and the river though we did notice a few geese grazing in a nearby field. To the soundtrack of a singing Cetti's Warbler we retraced our steps as far as the mill and then set off along the Nene Way. Within metres of starting our walk we noticed a large flock of Greylags grazing in the field. At this point the Duke Of Fluke paid me a call and the first bird that I saw once I'd set up my scope was the White-front! Having put Alan on to it we enjoyed some good views through the scope though it was not for the first time that distance and poor light hampered my photographic attempts. We had no luck finding the Pink-footed Goose that has sometimes been seen here and so decided to move on to pastures new.

Marsh Harrier

The next destination of choice was Titchmarsh LNR where Nick Parker had found a stunning looking drake Ring-necked Duck during the week. Our efforts to see this bird sadly drew a blank though our slog through the riverside morass did not go without some reward. While sitting in the Heronry Lake hide Alan picked out a cream-crowned Marsh Harrier which entertained us for several minutes before moving on. Having left the hide we made our way back to the car without seeing too much of interest on the way, three or four Great White Egrets being the highlight. A pint in the Dukes at Woodford was as good a way as any to conclude our day.

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