Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunlit Stroll

 I was out swigging and gigging in Raunds last night so was pleasantly surprised when I woke up as bright and breezy as the morning that awaited me. Today's travels took me to Oundle where I had a pleasant though fairly unproductive walk around Barnwell CP and along the river Nene. Some bright winter sunshine lifted my mood and the absence of anything out of the ordinary did not detract from my enjoyment of the morning.

Nuthatch, Mallard, Mandarin and Robin

At Barnwell there were at least three Mandarins including the pair at their regular spot near to Kingfisher Hide. Passerines on show included Nuthatch but overall it was quiet, several egrets feeding in a field briefly raised hopes but turned out to be Littles and not the hoped for Cattles.  I left the park and headed off along the Nene where a large number of fishermen were hunched over their rods between the road and Lower Barnwell Lock. Nothing of note appeared during my riverside wander and the A605 floods produced just the usual collection of dabbling ducks. Heading back towards the town I stopped to enjoy the spectacle of about ten Red Kites wheeling around a garden on the outskirts of Oundle. A Buzzard joined them briefly but soon moved on and I followed its example. The sunshine prompted me to end my day by checking the churchyard for any early butterflies but I didn't manage to see anything other than a friendly cat.

Kite, Buzzard, Fieldfares, Winter Aconite and pipe smoking cat!

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