Sunday, 16 February 2025


 It was an X4 sort of day today and I boarded my regular steed in order to reach Lower Benefield. From here I took the now familiar route to Deenethorpe before moving on to Deene and then returning to Weldon by way of the airfield. The weather was a distinct improvement on yesterday's offerings with little in the way of rain to report and even some very welcome spells of sunshine to warm the heart.

Egyptian Goose

It would be easy though perhaps a little harsh to say that I saw nothing on my walk and it would also be untrue. There was actually plenty of bird activity but it was of the common or garden sort and there was little to stir the soul. A pair of Egyptian Geese in a field next to the A43 at Deenethorpe and a pair of Ravens over the airfield were the best that the day had to offer, a far cry from last week's excitements! On the plus side a disappointing day could easily have become a disastrous one as my binocular strap broke as I was making my way back into Weldon. Happily I was able to grab the bins before they hit the floor, I'm hoping I might use them to see some more interesting stuff  next weekend - here's hoping!

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