Sunday 15 September 2024

Hazy Sunday Morning

 Just a short one today as I restricted myself to a walk around Brookfield Plantation and the surrounding area. There was plenty of sunshine on offer though high level cloud meant that it was often rather hazy. No surprises wildlife wise but it was by no means a complete waste of time.


I began by checking on the local Peregrines and was rewarded for my efforts with decent views of the female. In the plantation a pair of Mandarins were a welcome sighting as they're pretty scarce here. Best of the other birds was a family party of Marsh Tits, Not much in the way of mammals with just a Fallow Deer and Muntjac on view. On my outward journey through the wood I didn't manage to find any insects though that thankfully changed on the return leg of my journey.

Speckled Wood and Large White

The hedge row that borders the flooded quarry near Gretton was quite productive with several Speckled Woods, a Comma and a Red Admiral showing. Ay least eight Willow Emeralds were noted and I also saw Common Darter and Migrant Hawker. Best bird was a Raven which was calling from the trees on the edge of the plantation. Walking back through the wood added Large and Small White to my list while a Small Heath was seen at nearby Willowbrook Industrial Estate. I'm off to Norfolk for a birding break next weekend so hopefully will have something more interesting to report in my next post.

Willow Emerald and Common Darter

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