Saturday 14 September 2024

A Bit Of A Slog

 Alan Shorrock and I visited a couple of sites in the Welland Valley today and while the weather was good the birding was not great. A few insects were active once the day had warmed up a little but numbers are dwindling now as autumn gathers pace. Overall a little disappointing but days like today have been infrequent this year so I can't grumble too much.

Red Admiral and Common Darter

We began at Titchmarsh NR where a small selection of waders were the highlight, yesterday's Common Scoter having predictably moved on. Three Dunlin, a Redshank, at least two Common Sandpipers and a Green Sandpiper were on view from the North Hide, there was little else to report. A small selection of butterflies included Commas and Red Admirals as well as a single Common Blue. Common Blue damselflies also made it on to today's list as two females were noted along with a single Willow Emerald. Common Darters and Migrant Hawkers made up the rest of the ode list, we didn't see much else before moving on to Summer Leys.

Green Sandpiper and Snipe.

No sign of the Bittern at the scrape where a Green Sandpiper did show reasonably well. It was down to two distant raptors to provide the interest, a Hobby was spotted by the sharp eyed Shozzer while one of a growing band of would be Bittern photographers picked out a Marsh Harrier. Very little else was seen, a Pintail showed from Rotary and a Brown Hawker was seen from Pioneer. We left and headed to the Saxon Tavern where a pint helped to revive flagging spirits.

Great White Egret

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