Monday 18 December 2023

At Least I Got A Pint Out Of It!

 A mixed sort of day weatherwise with sunny spells and showers being the order of the day. I managed to blag a day off work and decided to head over to Oundle on the X4. After a couple of decent days I suppose I was due a stinker and today duly obliged. 

Barnwell selection

My birding began at a busy Barnwell CP where there were plenty of dogs and quite a lot of children but not much in the way of wildlife to enjoy. A pair of Mandarin Ducks from the Kingfisher Hide and a flock of about twenty-five Siskins were the only things of note and I didn't spend too long here. My travels next took me along the Nene, the floodwaters have receded enough to allow you to follow the footpath though it's still quite squelchy! A look at the floods produced no surprises, there were several hundred Wigeon and lesser numbers of Shoveller, Teal and Mallard. Waders were confined to a few Lapwings, I looked for but couldn't see any Snipe. Deciding that this was not going to be one of my finer days I headed into town for a spot of lunch and a couple of beers in The Ship Inn.

Flood views.

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