Thursday 25 May 2023

Brief Encounters

 My wife had an appointment at the hospital in Kettering which gave me an opportunity to pop into Wicksteed Park. With time at something of a premium I more or less headed straight for the fishing lake, had a quick look, took a few pictures and then headed off again. Today's weather was a little cloudier than yesterday but that did not prevent me from seeing plenty of damsels in waterside nettles.

Variable Damselflies

My main target were the population of Variable Damselflies that make this site their home and there were plenty about. This county scarcity is doing well here making this the best spot in Northants to catch up with them. I saw fifty plus with most in the nettle beds between the main and fishing lakes and there were a few more around the fishing lake itself. Although I didn't see any dragons I did see Azure, Blue-tailed, Red-eyed and Common Blue damselflies. Someone is doing work on land adjacent to the park which seems to involve altering the path of the stream. Whether this has an effect on the damsel population in the park is uncertain as the streamside vegetation used to shelter many maturing individuals.

Red-eyed, Variable, Blue-tailed and Common Blue Damsels

Not much else to report, a singing Cetti's Warbler was my first here for a while and there were ten plus Herring Gulls on the main lake which are presumably non breeders.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

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