Monday 24 October 2022

Morning Movement

 This morning I was doing a spot of gardening before starting my afternoon shift. Although it was grey and a bit breezy it was certainly a step up from yesterday morning's deluge. There was quite a lot of bird activity and I enjoyed a soundtrack of cheeping sparrows and squawking Starlings as I toiled.

Starling and House Sparrow

Small numbers of Chaffinches were moving overhead and I heard my first Brambling of the autumn calling from a neighbour's garden. Parties of high flying Starlings were heading westwards while my local birds were put to flight by a passing Peregrine. A Cormorant heading north was probably travelling from its roost at the Clayhole in search of breakfast. Grey Wagtails flew over on several occasions and although likely to be local birds they still added to the impression of things being on the move. Just the sort of day when you want to be out birding but I guess somebody has to pay the bills!

Goldfinch and Robin.

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