Sunday, 2 October 2022

Going Back For Seconds

 A very nice autumnal day with plenty of sunshine which made my walk through Brookfield Plantation and the surrounding countryside pretty enjoyable. Not too much in the way of birds to report and it was left to some late flying insects to provide the entertainment.


For the second time in two days I paid a visit to my local Peregrines and had sightings of two at their usual spot. I didn't hang around too long before continuing my walk on to Brookfield.  A large group of dozy Pheasants greeted me on arrival, I really can't see how killing these avian idiots can be regarded as sport. Few other birds were seen in the wood and it was left to several small groups of Fallow Deer to supply any entertainment. My first insects of the day were several female Common Darters at the crossroads, I was to see many more during the course of my walk. 

Pheasants and Fallow Deer

Emerging on the other side of the wood I crossed the large sheep field and walked along the hedge near the flooded quarry. Several Migrant Hawkers were hunting alongside the hedge and there were at least four Willow Emeralds too. A Small White fluttered past and was my first butterfly of the day. I headed off towards the escarpment that overlooks the Welland Valley noting a Small Copper on the way. Few birds were seen though there was a steady trickle of Meadow Pipits heading south and plenty of Jays were heard screeching from nearby hedgerows.

Small Copper and Speckled Wood

My return walk produced a sighting of a late Speckled Wood near the plantation which appeared to be in pretty good condition. By the time I returned to the crossroads in Brookfield a Southern Hawker had appeared and was hunting actively. I loitered for a while just in case it landed but if it did I didn't see it. My butterfly list rose to four with the sighting of a Red Admiral and a passing white butterfly may have been a Large but I couldn't say for sure. Leaving the wood I had another look for the Peregrines and found one plucking a pigeon, not a bad way to bring the day to a close!

Female and male Willow Emeralds.

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