Sunday 4 September 2022


 This morning's weather was fairly dull, there seemed to be just about an equal chance of it either raining or turning sunny though for the most part it stayed grey. My wildlife walk was for the most part every bit as dull and it was one of those days that I should perhaps have stayed at home.

Young Tufted Ducks

I began at the A43 pond at Weldon where the highlight was a brood of Tufted Ducks, this is my most reliable site for local breeding and after last year's blank it was good to see that they had done the business again this year. Good numbers of both Mallard and Gadwall were present while a Grey Heron hunted in the shallows. Willowbrook Industrial Estate failed to produce much with the only migrants being a flock of about thirty Swallows heading eastwards and a small group of Meadow Pipits feeding. With the weather being far from insect friendly it was no surprise that only a single Small Heath and a Common Darter were noted.

Red Kite

My final stops were at the Northern and Southern Gullets at Priors Hall where a male Stonechat provided the only interesting sighting. This area though much frequented by dog walkers from the neighbouring houses shows quite a lot of promise and will hopefully reward further visits.


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