Wednesday 20 April 2022

Enjoying The Sunshine

 The decent spell of weather continues and that was enough to persuade me to take an after work stroll down to Weldon. Given that I was venturing out for the first time this year in a T-shirt I was glad that the easterly wind had dropped a little making for some pleasant conditions for wildlife watching.  There were no surprises on view today though I felt that my time was far from wasted as I saw some pretty good stuff on my travels.

Large Red Damselfly and nest making wasp

At this time of the year I'm always looking out for early damsels or dragons and I'm glad that I struck lucky today. The stretch of stream near the Woodland Parked hosted a single Large Red Damselfly, I have to remind myself that the 20th of April is still an early date for this species. There were no other odes on view today though I'm hoping that if the weather continues more will emerge soon.

Butterfly selection.

Butterflies seemed to enjoy the weather too today and the highlight for me were the four Holly Blues seen at two distinct locations in the village. When I think that I only saw three in all of last year it's great to know that these pretty little insects are bouncing back. Other species on the wing were Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Comma and Peacock. Few birds of note other than a Grey Wagtail though I was pleased to get good views of a Blackcap.


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