Sunday, 19 September 2021


Something of a snore fest today with my local walk producing next to nothing of note. Grey skies and the occasional shower  marked my stroll around the area near the STW and Willowbrook Industrial Estate, Corby but I really don't think that better weather would have improved things too much.

Grey Wagtail.

Near the town's STW a Grey Wagtail was once agin the highlight as I struggled to find much to look at. Several Chiffchaffs were singing and Blackcaps were chacking from deep within the many bushes but there was not much else to report.


Great views of a Buzzard were obtained as I passed the steelworks before it was flushed by a jogger. At Willowbrook there seemed to be a movement of Meadow Pipits passing through but pickings for the most part were decidedly slim. One Common Darter was braving the grotty conditions here but apart from this and a single Small White seen near the Old Village that was it as far as insects other than crane-flies were concerned.

Dragon Rapide flight pictures.

Straying off piste for a moment here I know but I had the chance to take a flight in a Dragon Rapide biplane yesterday at the Duxford Battle of Britain airshow and it proved an offer that was just too good to resist. Of course my dragon could not match the aerial dexterity of those insects that I enjoy watching so much but it was still a great experience. I've never flown in an aircraft that was older than me before but it was certainly a trip that I'd repeat again if I get the chance.

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