Tuesday 21 September 2021

Evening Stonechats.

 A call from Alan Shorrock and the kind offer of a lift had me heading over to Willowbrook Industrial Estate to look for a pair of Stonechats that he had discovered there today. Beautiful evening sunshine made for a very pleasant if rather brief stroll as we ambled around in search of the chats.

Willowbrook Industrial Estate.

Turns out that the pair were not going to play hard to get as first the male and then the female appeared. While the male always stayed rather distant the female was a little more accommodating and I managed a few shots of her. It's tempting to think that these may be the same pair that have wintered here in recent years returning to their favoured spot but of course I can't prove that. Meadow Pipits continue to move through in small numbers but we were not there long enough to find much else.

Female Stonechat.

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