Saturday 11 September 2021

Taking A Peek At A Pec

 Welcome news of a Pectoral Sandpiper at Eyebrook reservoir led to another after work trip in the company of Alan Shorrock. Meeting up with a collection of would be watchers including my brother and Phil Rogers we received the hoped for report that the bird was still around. Given that the Pec was on the opposite side of the res with the light behind it the business of finding the bird proved to be less than straightforward.


It took a while and some assistance before we managed to find it and while the views were far from great they were good enough. This was my first Pec here since one that Shozzer, I and Mick Ketley found a few years ago. I didn't attempt even a dodgy record shot on this occasion as there's a limit to even what I'm prepared to post (yes really!). There was a good supporting cast of waders noted during our brief visit with the highlight being a Knot. Other species included six Ruffs, a double figure count of Ringed Plovers, some Dunlins and a couple of Snipe. The only other birds of note were a couple of Great White Egrets but it was not a bad return for a half hour session.

Great White Egrets.

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