Monday, 11 January 2021

Monday Morning In Brookfield.....Again

 I'm beginning to establish something of a routine with my birding excursions, Deene on a Sunday and Brookfield on Monday. While neither tends to produce too many rarities they do generally provide some welcome peace and quiet as well as the odd good bird. Today did nothing to buck the trend as once again I managed to find a couple of mildly interesting things to look at.

Peregrine and Goldcrest.

Monday Peregrines are almost as regular as visits to Brookfield and I managed to find one at the regular spot sheltering out of what was quite a cool wind. In the plantation I initially struggled to find much but after a couple of hours I'd accumulated a bit of a list. Several large mixed tit flocks were making their way through the woods and I also encountered a small group of Goldcrests. There were one or two Siskins noted passing overhead and I later found a large flock of fifty plus feeding in alders near the crossroads. A Raven was glimpsed over one of the rides and I saw another displaying over the fields near Gretton. Nuthatches are rather scarce birds in Brookfield so I was glad to hear one or two calling, they made a nice change to the Pheasants and Jays that normally provide the soundtrack. Both species of the commoner woodpeckers were noted though that was that really as far as noteworthy stuff went and I soon called a halt to proceedings and sey off for home.

Male and female Siskin.

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