Monday 4 January 2021

Ending on a High

 Today marked my last day of freedom before my liberty is cruelly snatched away by the need to earn a living. Deciding to keep things local I headed over to Brookfield Plantation which offered some respite from a cold northeasterly wind and shelter from a succession of showers. On my way to the wood I stopped off to admire one of our local Peregrines at one of its favourite loafing spots.

Yet another Peregrine pic.

My arrival at Brookfield coincided with one of the heavier showers and I spent a few minutes sheltering under a pine tree. Once the rain had moved on I emerged from cover to find two Green Sandpipers flying up from the flooded bottom of the old quarry. The likely cause of their alarm appeared immediately afterwards in the rather diminutive form of an adult male Merlin flashing past. I rarely see Merlins in Northants (about once every six or seven years) so this was a rare treat and I'm always surprised by how small they are. Continuing my walk through the plantation produced a few more year ticks in the form of Coal Tit and Goldcrest while other highlights included Grey Wagtail, Siskin, several Teal and a pair of Ravens.

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