Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Another Wintery Walk

 Quite a bit greyer than yesterday and still pretty cold. I put my wellies on once again and set out for a wander down to Weldon. With snowy conditions and the additional hazard of ice I felt my feet slide more than once but luckily managed to keep my footing if not always my dignity. My aim was to see if any interesting species were finding shelter in more built up areas - the answer was not many!

Mute Swans and Gadwalls.

At the A43 pond most of the water was frozen though the remaining small open area proved attractive to the pair of Mute Swans and their Gadwall groupies, I counted eight in total. The pond at the Woodland Park was frozen solid though the surrounding bushes held plenty of the commoner passerines. Both Fieldfares and Redwings were seen in reasonable numbers though they remained flighty and unapproachable. Of the various finches noted Siskin was perhaps the most interesting though Bullfinch won the aesthetic battle. The stream supported quite a good sized squadron of Mallards and a Grey Heron but nothing else.

Kestrel and Buzzard.

On my way home I had a look at the sewage works where a large flock of Black-headed Gulls were feeding around the settling beds and a Grey Wagtail was also seen. At the scrubby area close by a Green Sandpiper was flushed from the stream and another Siskin was seen. By now light drizzle was beginning to fall so I took the easy decision to give it up for the day and head home.

Pied Wagtail and Long-tailed Tit.

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