Friday 14 August 2020

Quick Return

 My brother wanted to test some new optical equipment and it looked as if a late evening leading into dusk trip might be in order so we opted to take the short journey to Eyebrook Reservoir. This turned out to be a good move because tonight's visit if anything turned out to be better then our previous excursion.

Wood Sandpiper.

We began by looking for some of the reported waders and it didn't take long to find the trio of Wood Sandpipers that have been here for a while. They were joined by a single Green Sandpiper and also a Greenshank. At least two Ruffs shared the shallows while other waders included an immature Dunlin and a young Little Ringed Plover. The Cattle Egret also showed again and showed well treating us to much better views than it did on Monday. My brother picked out a hunting Barn Owl which gave us good though distant views when it perched, a Kingfisher did likewise. Several Yellow Wagtails were heard though we didn't manage to pick any out on the ground.

Cattle Egret.

All in all it was a very decent hour and a half's viewing and the new scope turned out to be a winner too, sometimes things just turn out in your favour! Unfortunately due to fading light conditions and the distances involved all pictures are of the record shot variety and won't win any prizes!

Barn Owl

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