Monday, 3 August 2020

Late Show Saves Day

Monday morning and I unwisely chose to return to Barnwell CP where hoards of other people had apparently made the same decision. With noise levels rising as the morning shift of joggers and dog walkers gave way to kids I beat a hasty retreat and walked across to the stretch of river next to the marina.

Comma and Gatekeeper.

Before my departure I had time to note several Mandarin Ducks and a Kingfisher and also took the time to watch a Common Tern fishing in Mill Lake. Few butterflies were found with Commas and Gatekeepers making up most of the sightings. Dragons were few and far between too so it was a far from difficult decision to throw in the towel and move on.

Rufescens-obsoleta form of Blue-tailed Damselfly and Banded Demoiselle

There were quite a few Small Red-eyed Damsels on the lilies at the Nene and a few of their larger cousins at the nearby Princess Lake. A thorough search of the trees and vegetation around the lake did not produce any Willow Emeralds and the lack of anything else interesting coupled with the onset of a shower sent me heading for home.

Mandarin Duck and Hummingbird Hawkmoth

My less than spectacular day was saved by the arrival of an uncommon visitor to my garden in Corby. Looking out of the window at my Buddleia I was delighted to see a Hummingbird Hawkmoth visiting the flowers. Happily my camera was close to hand and I was able to get a couple of shots of this southern migrant. This was only the second time that this species has paid me a visit and it was perhaps lucky to escape the attentions of a hunting Brown Hawker which was my first garden record. Next week may well see me dragging the chair out again for some good old fashioned lockdown style garden nature spotting!

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