Sunday, 24 November 2019

Not So Sunny Sunday

Happy to wake free of any ill effects from a gig that I went to last night (ringing ears and slightly tender head being the norm) I began today's nature spotting at Upper Benefield. From here I took the minor road along towards Deenethorpe and onwards to Deene and Weldon.

One of the sun's brief appearances.

With a Great Grey Shrike currently causing a few local birders to drift towards DIRFT in the south of the county it was hard not to think of the similar bird that wintered in this area a few years ago. I looked but couldn't find anything to match that quality today. Tree Sparrows did appear about half way along the lane and they joined other farmland species such as Skylark and Yellowhammer on the list. Both buzzards and kites appeared to be keeping low and it could be that the grey conditions may have been to blame. Good numbers of Lapwing were noted with their usual close escorts of gulls while many Pheasants were also seen.

Hedgerow Robin and roadside Kestrel.

Deene Lake inflow held plenty of Teal and a Green Sandpiper as well as a Kingfisher. The main lake still holds fairly low numbers of birds though there were five Shelduck and a vocal Black Swan. Nothing much to add from the farm ponds and little to report either from Kirby Lane. By the time I reached Priors Hall it looked as if the sun might make an appearance though sadly it turned out to be no more than a brief interlude before the grey conditions took hold once again.

Swan duo at Deene.

A Woodcock that took off from practically under my feet almost caused a brown trouser incident, happily a second caused slightly less alarm. Priors Hall is often a good place for wintering Woodcocks, hopefully the continuing development will leave some habitat for them. Three Snipe flushed from the wet margins of the largest pond took my wader tally for the day to four, there were well over a hundred Lapwing in the quarry too. Also to be seen on the quarry lake were my only Wigeon of the day and a drake Pochard. Good numbers of Siskin were present on site and at least one Redpoll was with them. Not a great deal of other wildlife was noted today though there was a group of about fifteen Fallow Deer at Priors.

Fallow Deer.

Arriving at Weldon some time before my bus gave my just enough time to pop into the George for a pint which was arguably my highlight of the day.

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