Saturday, 25 August 2018

Further Failure at Finedon

I had another chance to visit Finedon Pocket Park today and so once the boring business of work had been concluded a friend and I set off in that direction. Unfortunately our luck was not in today and we failed to catch up with any Willow Emeralds, they're certainly proving to be elusive this year.

Dragonfly activity was much reduced from my last visit and the only hawkers on view were several Migrants while I only managed to see a single Common Darter. A female Emerald Damselfly had me going for a little while but I couldn't turn it into anything else more interesting. It may be that slightly cooler conditions had an adverse effect on dragon activity but either way it looks as if I may have to return again.
Female Emerald Damselfly.

A few of the commoner butterflies were seen though once again it was Holly Blues that provided most of the interest. As was also the case on Wednesday it was an aeroplane that provided the most interesting sighting as the world's only flying Bristol Blenheim passed over, it was certainly the rarest thing in the air.

With tomorrow's weather forecast to be grim it's unlikely that I'll see that much but my Willow search will continue when the weather conditions improve, they've surely got to be present at other sites too.

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