Thursday, 19 April 2018

Swearing at Orange-tips

Things kicked off very early this morning when I heard a Grasshopper Warbler while walking along Cockerell Road on the town's Willowbrook Estate. After a day's work I then set out for Weldon to see what insects were enjoying the very warm afternoon sun.
The pond at Weldon...

A male Orange-tip was my first confirmed one of the year as we passed each other on my walk past the steelworks, I saw a female on the Weldon Industrial Estate where there were also two Peacocks. Further male Orange-tips, three to be precise were seen around Weldon village but the little devils seem supercharged in the sunshine and seemed reluctant to settle. They settled a total of three times but only brief enough to give a hope that I might get a piccy. Sadly on every occasion they flitted off and away just as my autofocus was zeroing in. Hopefully that explains the title of this post!
...and the stream.

Other butterflies about included a further Peacock, a Small Torty and four male Brimstones but only the tort was inclined to settle. A search for Large Red Damsels along the stream and around the pond did not produce any sightings, it can't be too long now and I'm hoping the coming weekend produces the goods.
Yes, you're right it is another Small Tortoiseshell.

Little of interest birdwise although a pair of Buzzards showed very well and the pair of Canada Geese remain on the A43 pond.

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