Sunday 18 March 2018

I Hate Sequels!

Plunging temperatures and very chilly winds were the order of the day as the baby beast took an uncomfortable bite out of our burgeoning Spring. No thoughts of Summer migrants or butterflies this morning when I made only the briefest of sorties out into the white. Throughout the previous week I've heard numerous Redwings passing over and even a Snipe, I hope for their sake that they managed to find somewhere a little more hospitable than here!
The church at Corby old village.

Suffering from a rather bad cold but fed up with sitting in a mound of used tissues I braved the elements to go as far as the old patch. The sight of a gent with a shouldered gun passing me on the way out as I wandered in did not fill me with hope, I've never seen this before here and hope not to see it again. As it turned out it was very quiet indeed with a Muntjac being the best thing  on view. Very few birds were seen and I really couldn't find anything of note
View from the patch.

. Deciding enough was enough I called it quits and headed off home for more Lemsips and tissues. Hopefully Spring will be back on track before too long, I'm missing my dragonflies and butterflies!

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