Some of the ducks on show today. |
The main lake although frozen in places had plenty of birds with Tufted Ducks and Coots the commonest. A lot more Teal about this morning but it's about this time of year when passage birds are moving through. What was new were a pair of Wigeon grazing near the small model boat pond, I haven't seen them here too often. Another scarce bird was a Snipe flushed from the bankside vegetation, I can't recall whether I've seen one here before. Plenty of Redwings were feeding on the verdant grass, the thaw could not have come any sooner for these birds. They were not totally in the clear however as a Sparrowhawk sent them and some accompanying Fieldfares packing.
Blue Tit and Carrion Crow. |
Much the usual selection of birds on the fishing lake with diving ducks dominating proceedings though half a dozen Shovellers were still present. A flyby Kingfisher was a welcome sight, I always worry about them during cold spells. Both Grey Herons and Little Egrets joined it and the Cormorants in making things tough for the fishes.
The sun put in a welcome appearance. |
Not for the first time it was the Great Crested Grebes that took most of my attention. I watched the pair head wagging and exchanging weed and saw with some surprise one of them climb out on to the ice. She (and it was definitely she) then appeared to present herself to the male bird who remained swimming nearby. Adopting what appeared to be a submissive position did not tempt her partner out so she repeated the process. Finally the penny appeared to drop and he joined her on the ice where he did his bit for the future of his species. Having finished their business both returned to the water and then swam off together.
Grebe courtship is going well! |
Walking past a patch of Reedmace I noted some wispy bits floating downwards and then a small bird busily pecking at one of the seed heads. Hoping that I might have stumbled across something very good indeed I raised my reveal a Blue Tit! Oh well I'll have to keep looking for something rarer but it wasn't today as soon after I had to head off into town.
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