Monday, 19 February 2018

Crested Grebes are Great

The X4 had to jostle for position with a couple of rail replacement coaches this morning at the train station but that did not prevent me from getting on and visiting Wicksteed Park. Drizzle and light rain seemed to be the order of the day so photography was more than a little difficult.
Little Egret

A Mistle Thrush's song greeted me as I arrived and the usual gaggle of geese were grazing on the field. Gull numbers remain high with Commons in particular increasing, their main passage will soon begin. Plenty of Tufted Ducks on the main lake, well over fifty birds while wildfowl numbers in general stayed at about the same level as on my previous visits.
The same egret looking a little dejected.

Today it seemed to be Little Egrets ruling the roost with at least five around the main lake and a further four infringing Cattle Egret copyright by feeding in the field adjacent to the arboretum. At least three were either lazing or preening whilst standing on posts and one posed nicely during one of the few less damp periods.

With little new or rare to watch my attention was drawn to a pair of Great Crested Grebes which were going through their courtship ritual. The pair would swim in procession shaking their heads in unison before turning to face each other. They would raise their crests and puff out the ear tufts before presenting each other with water weed. Sometimes they would rise out of the water almost as if on tip toes before breaking off and either feeding or preening. It wasn't quite the full spectacular show but not far off, anyone venturing out to larger bodies of water should definitely keep an eye out for it.
Great Crested courtship.

With little else to look at and with the yaffle of a Green Wood bidding me farewell I set off to enjoy my usual large breakfast in the town.

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