Monday, 5 February 2018

Beautiful Sunrise

A cold but clear morning which made for a beautiful sunrise around Upper Benefield which was my starting point for today's walk. Having already enjoyed a serenade from a Song Thrush whilst waiting for my bus it was shaping up to be an enjoyable wander.
Sunrise at Benefield.

Leaving the village and heading along the road to Deenethorpe it was apparent that a lot of Chaffinches must have moved into the area as the hedgerows seemed full of them. Many of them were singing too and joined their voices to that of Robins and Skylarks. It took a little longer than usual to catch up with Tree Sparrows as they seemed to have moved along the lane towards Burn Coppice, more were feeding close to the barns. Also around the barns was a good sized flock of Yellowhammers which seemed to gleam in the sunlight.
Deenethorpe wildlife.

From here to Deene there was nothing rare to report, just a good selection of farmland birds. Deene inflow had a large number of Teal and a couple of Snipe. On the main lake the number of Shelducks continues to grow with at least eighteen now present. Not much else of note although the two Black Swans remain. Returning through Deenethorpe I noted my first lambs of the year though they did not appear to be newborn as they were already munching away on grass. Several Siskins were seen next to the stream but the airfield area was very quiet.
Red Kite and two of the Deene Shelducks.

Walking back along the public footpath through the fields towards Weldon produced nothing too interesting, it was one of those days when it was just nice to be out and about.

Spring is on its way.

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