Sunday, 26 January 2025

Not Another ??@//$% Storm!

 Yet another winter storm hit Britain today though it seems as if Northamptonshire once again avoided the worst of it. I wanted to get my wildlife spotting done and dusted before it arrived and so blagged a lift over to Blatherwycke Lake where after a fiery start things became cold and grey. 

Sunrise, Scaup and Cattle Egret

At least ten Mandarin Ducks were present in their usual spot on the eastern end of the lake. On the other side of the bund the immature female Scaup remains and was feeding well while I was there. There were a minimum of five Egyptian Geese and several hundred Wigeon as well as a small selection of the commoner wildfowl. In the field between Home Farm and the lake I was pleased to find a Cattle Egret feeding, I've seen very few in the county away from the Nene Valley. The egret seemed to be finding some stuff to eat in amongst the molehills and grass tussocks and was still there when I left several hours later. A lengthy vigil in the churchyard failed to produce any Hawfinch sightings and my last sighting of note was of several Siskins at the bridge before my lift arrived just before the rain did likewise.

Egyptian Geese and Wigeon

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