Sunday 17 September 2023

It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Autumn

 A sunny start that gradually gave way to clouds and eventually rain with a strong breeze to add to the mix. I took a local stroll which began at Weldon, took in Willowbrook Industrial Estate and Priors Hall before ending back at Weldon. Not that much to report but a pleasant walk nonetheless as thoughts of Summer recede to be replaced by those of Autumn.

Red Admiral and Migrant Hawker

Willowbrook was fairly quiet with a Stonechat being the only bird of note. There were a few insects sheltering from the stiff breeze and these included Common Darters and a Migrant Hawker. Butterflies were few and far between though I did see a Small Heath as well as the more usual Red Admirals, Small Whites and a Speckled Wood.

Speckled Wood and mature female Common Darter

The North Gullet at Priors Hall was quiet other than a Common Blue which I think may have been an aberration as it didn't appear to have any orange spots on its underwings. Next door the South Gullet hosted a squealing Water Rail but that was it as far as birds went. Willow Emerald and Banded Demoiselle were the pick of the odes but by now the clouds looked a little more threatening and I headed back to Weldon for my bus home.

Common Blue and Banded Demoiselle

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