An after work stroll didn't quite live up to expectation as the anticipated sunshine was fairly hazy and not as bright as I'd of liked. The conditions seemed to have been caused by dust from the Sahara but having seen on the telly the torrential rain in south east Europe I suppose it could have been worse!
I began by checking on my local Peregrines and was rewarded by views of the two adults. In recent visits I'd only seen one of the pair and had some concerns about the other, it's good to have any fears allayed. Neighbouring Brookfield didn't have many birds on show though I did catch up with a Marsh Tit. Dragonflies were represented by Ruddy and Common Darters as well as Migrant Hawkers. Not for the first time I was surrounded by many of the latter as they hawked insects close to the ground. Their precision manoeuvres and deft flying skills are always entertaining but seeing the hazy sunshine glinting on gossamer wings added beauty to the spectacle. Butterfly numbers are a shadow of their July boomtime and several Speckled Woods, a pair of Small Whites and a knackered looking Common Blue provided a meagre haul.
Willowbrook Industrial Estate did not add much to the day's tally, some further views of Common Darter and some roosting Small Heaths were the only things of note. Rather disturbingly it looks as if yet more of the land off Cockerell Road may be about to be developed, our council really seems to have an aversion to green spaces.
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