Monday 26 December 2022

Smews And Otters

 I shunned the cold turkey leftovers this morning and opted instead to blag a lift over to Eyebrook for a spot of birding. A  sunny though cold day greeted me and all the other walkers, cyclists and joggers that were wandering around the reservoir.

GBB Gull and Lapwing

From Stoke Dry carpark I had excellent views of a Sparrowhawk that was being mobbed by a Carrion Crow. A little further along I watched a Great Black-backed Gull feeding on an avian corpse floating in the water. Less grisly was a distant view of a drake Smew. At the inflow there was a pair of Stonechat and a drake Pintail while several Siskins were in trees next to the bridge. Ravens were heard calling on the Leics side of the reservoir and a single Snipe flew up from a watery channel. From opposite the car park at Stoke Dry I enjoyed prolonged and often great views of eight Smew, six drakes and two redheads. Is Eyebrook one of the most reliable spots in the UK for these attractive ducks?

Smew selection

Having reluctantly moved on from the Smew flotilla I managed to luck into something arguably even more interesting.  Three Otters swam out from the shoreline near Hollyoaks Lane though they didn't hang around long before swimming back. I've only seen Otters at Eyebrook once before so to see three together was a very nice late Christmas present. Presumably this was a female with two well grown cubs which offers proof of local breeding. There was not much else of note seen on my visit other than two or three Great White Egrets.


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