Sunday 11 December 2022


 Quite a contrast with the weather from yesterday as the blue sky and sunshine were replaced by fog which hung around for most of the day. Visibility ranged from poor to dreadful as the fog eddied and stirred, occasionally lifting but never enough to suggest it would clear. Birding was difficult as I walked from Weldon to Deene Lake and back and I might have been better off staying at home!

Flights cancelled at Deenethorpe Airfield and GWE at Deene

There was little of note beyond the commonplace as I walked towards Deenethorpe and little at the airfield itself. A Redpoll was seen in the village while the nearby inflow at Deene Lake hosted some Siskins and a calling Water Rail. The main lake was all but frozen though a Great White Egret was noted near the dam. These elegant herons may have lost their rarity status but they're still uncommon here. Moving on and the farm ponds were all but iced up too though a couple of Coots and Dabchicks were seen on the only ice free patch. Little else worth mentioning apart from a couple of Snipe flushed at Willowbrook Industrial Estate.

Dabchick and Coot

A frozen Deene Lake.

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