Friday 16 July 2021

Imperious Interlude

 With the weather being so fine it was easy enough to make the decision to try an after work sortie somewhere. Whilst trying to decide where I should take that stroll it was the lure of seeing more Purple Emperors that finally decided my plans for me. Harry's Park Wood was my destination of choice and it turned out to be a good one as up to eight of the purple poop licking poseurs were present.

Purple Emperors

My first couple of emperor sightings were of males taking nutrients in from the path and favoured shady areas allowing close approach. The next sighting was of one flying at tree top height which may perhaps have been a female though views were too brief to confirm this. Another five males were to be noted though by this time the sun had emerged from behind its screen of clouds and the butterflies were very active. Away from the Emperors I saw two Silver-washed Fritillaries but no White Admirals, I think that this year is far from a vintage year for this latter species.

Siver-washed Fritillary and Comma.

Apart from a good selection of the commoner butterfly species there was not a great deal else to report, an Emperor dragonfly was seen and several Ravens were heard.

Small White

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