Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Double Dipping

 Alan Shorrock and I took a bit of a chance this afternoon when we set out in an attempt to see the Southern Migrant Hawker at Finedon Pocket Park. The weather forecast once again made mention of sunny spells but the reality suggested some optimism on the part of the weather guessers. We left Corby in warm sunshine but arrived to find threatening clouds and the odd rumble of thunder at Finedon.

Emerald Damselflies and Southern Hawker.

Rain soon began to fall shortly after our arrival and we spent half an hour hiding under the dense foliage of some trees listening to the thunder and watching the rain bucketing down. Happily it did ease and then stop encouraging us to press on towards the pond. There was a short spell of sunshine while we were there but sadly it was not long enough to encourage any dragons to come out. A small selection of damsels were a little hardier though of which several Emeralds were the best. Single Brown and Southern Hawkers were hunting along the paths some distance from the pond but that was that as far as odes went. With another bank of clouds moving in to block out both the sun and any chance that we had of seeing the SMH we threw in the towel and called it quits. Few butterflies were noted, a female Silver-washed Fritillary being the most memorable while the best birds were several young Sparrowhawks whose begging calls vied with the thunder to provide the soundtrack to our visit.

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