Monday 16 December 2019

Double Dipping

Back to the usual routine with a return to Barnwell CP where there have been a few recent reports of otters showing. Sadly they chose to take a day off or at least they didn't show while I was there and nor did the Kingfishers either. One plus point was that there was barely a whiff of weed in the Kingfisher Hide, on my last couple of visits there's been a very pungent taint to the air.

River view, Nuthatch and Marsh Tit.

From this hide there was the usual selection of birds coming down to the offered food. Also benefitting from this seedy bounty was at least one Bank Vole and the usual squirrels. A similar picture from Lowlands Hide with no surprises but lots of good views. Elsewhere around the park a few small groups of Siskins were seen and so too were a pair of Bullfinches.

Wren, Dunnock and Wood Pigeon.

Plenty of floodwater attracting lots of Black-headed Gulls and a few Grey Herons but not much else. I headed into town to check the church for Peregrines and arrived just in time to catch a view of one heading out towards the Nene floods, bad news for something I'm sure.

Blue Tit and Bank Vole.

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