Saturday, 7 December 2019

Bit of a Bonus

Work was good enough to let me escape early today and I used the time to take a walk along the Nene at Oundle. Fancying a bit of a change from my usual routine I chose to walk to Cotterstock and back, it wasn't the most exciting of afternoons but it was alright.

River views.

Best birds of the day was a Chiffchaff spotted flycatching near the weir and a Snipe flushed from close to the town. Not a great deal else though both species of the commoner woodpecker were noted, also plenty of kites observed and at least one Grey Wagtail seen at Cotterstock Lock.

River regulars.

Popped into town where I picked up the latest copy of the Northants bird report (well worth buying at a bargain £ 7.50) I chose to dodge the Christmas Fair multitudes and instead checked the church for any Peregrines. None today though that might have been down to a combination of increased humanity and the time of day. So not my greatest day then but a trip along the river beats working any day of the week.

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