Friday 28 September 2018

Weldon Willow Search

Having just returned from a few days in Norfolk I took advantage of the sunny weather to pop down to Weldon for yet another check for Willow Emeralds. As has become the norm I failed in my quest but I did at least find a few things to look at.

Red Kite.

Not much in the way of birds to report though a Heron was seen briefly and the Red Kites showed really well today. No butterflies were on the wing though there were a few dragons. A male Banded Demoiselle was late in the season and so too was a Common Blue Damselfly. More to be expected but still to be appreciated were the Common Darters and Migrant Hawkers that were active around the ponds and stream.

Migrant Hawker, Common Darter and Banded Demoiselle.

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