Monday 17 September 2018

Darting Around Weldon

I spent a bit of time around Weldon this afternoon continuing my search for Willow Emeralds. Not for the first time my efforts were not rewarded with views of the target species but I did see a few other dragons.

Banded Demoiselle and Migrant Hawker.

A quick visit to the A43 pond produced a single Mallard but little else though a Grey Wagtail flew over and I heard both Blackcaps and a Chiffchaff. From here it was on to the stream where at least two Banded Demoiselles were showing, a couple of Common Darters were seen too.

Darter views.

Around the main pond Common Darters lived up to their name with many mostly male individuals seen. Several male Migrant Hawkers were present and there were also a couple of Brown Hawkers too. Few butterflies were noted with just a couple of Small Whites seen. Unfortunately I had to leave just as the clouds gave way to sunshine and blue skies but I'm fairly certain that I'll be back soon.


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