Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Sunny Afternoon

Another after work stroll today taking advantage of the heat wave. This time I didn't venture out too far choosing instead to go over to the pond near Eurohub here in Corby. While there was not too much to report it was still nice to be out.

Four-spotted Chaser and Azure Damsel with prey.

Single dragonflies of four different species were seen, Emperor, Brown Hawker, a Four-spotted and a Broad-bodied Chaser. Damsels were present in good numbers and there must have been something in the air as there were many pairs in cop. Azures were the commonest species and I checked as many as I could just in case there were any Variables among them but there were not. Blue tailed were pretty common too and I found several colour forms. Other species found were a reasonable number of Common Blues, a female Banded Demoiselle, two Large Reds and two also of Red-eyed.

Violacea form of Blue-tailed and Banded Demoiselle.

Of the butterflies seen today the browns predominated with Ringlets and Meadow Browns being the commonest as is often the case at this time of the law. Far lovelier, in my opinion at least, were eleven Marbled Whites, it really is great that this attractive species has colonised the local area. Other browns found today were Small Heath and Speckled Wood. Skippers are often common at this time of the year and I saw Large, Small and Essex with the former being the more numerous. A Peacock was the first that I've seen for a while and was probably a new brood individual.

Essex Skipper and Marbled White.

Not much other wildlife on view today though I was treated to some excellent views of Red Kites and there were many singing Willow Warblers on site.

Ringlet and Small Heath.

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