Sunday 24 December 2017

Escaping All the Fuss

Having done all my seasonal shopping early for a change I decided to escape the people packed town and other places so full of bustling and busy last minute shoppers. Wanting to check the Laundimer and Harry's Park woods complex out for crossbills meant a rather longish walk alongside some busy roads during which only a couple of Marsh Tits were seen. At the entrance to the woods a small party of Siskins were heard, many others showed during the morning. Bullfinches too proved to be present in decent numbers as well.
Another view of the wing turbine near Weldon.

One thing did become apparent fairly quickly and that was that the pine cone crop appeared to have failed this year as very few were about. This may well have explained the complete absence of any crossbills whatsoever, a three hour wander around certainly failed to produce any for me at least. There was not a great deal else to see either in all honesty, a few large tit flocks entertained briefly as I searched through them but failed to find something different.
A few views from today.

The local kites and buzzards did show well, a stiff breeze certainly seemed to their liking while a couple of Kestrels were also observed. Not much in the way of other wildlife to see with just a single Muntjac noted as it bounded up one of the narrower rides. With a few little chores left to do at home I decided to bale at this point and leave with the harsh calls of Jays sending me on my way.
Red Kites.

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