Sunday, 5 July 2020

Family Jewels

A long walk today taking in Weldon, Deenethorpe, Deene and Priors Hall though it was well worth the effort. As well as seeing several year firsts I also saw plenty of other interesting stuff despite the gusty wind.

Gatekeeper and sick looking Rabbit.

First highlight was a Crossbill flying over as I entered Bears Lane heading in the direction of Harry's Park Wood. The next part of the walk across the fields was pretty dull as most wildlife appeared to be sheltering from the wind. Deenethorpe Airfield produced my first Gatekeeper of the year, I saw a second later in the day at Priors Hall. Very few Small Heaths were active today and it looks as if this brood is coming to the end of their flying period.

Green Sandpiper and Broad-bodied Chaser.

Deene Lake inflow held three Green Sandpipers and a small flock of Lapwings, I presume that the sandpipers are returning failed breeders. The main lake had both Black-tailed Skimmer and a male Broad-bodied Chaser though the dragons were soon to be overshadowed. Walking along the lake shore produced a sighting of my first Willow Emerald of the year which was a female. Coincidentally she was within feet of where I saw my first one last year too. Other damsels in the area were Common Blue and Blue-tailed.

Willow Emerald and Southern Hawker.

Good numbers of butterflies were seen in the bramble filled lane that leads from Kirby Lane to the eastern end of Priors Hall. Hundreds of Meadow Browns and a double figure count of Commas joined a swirling mass of Ringlets and Marbled Whites sheltering from the wind. Such a supply of food and shelter proved irresistible to a Southern Hawker that landed long enough to let me take a picture. A couple of Ruddy Darters were also found in the same area.

Emerald Damselfly and Emperor.

Around the ponds at Priors Hall I found a young male Emerald Damselfly which was my second new damsel of the year. Several adult male Ruddy Darters were seen and there were also good numbers of Emperors on site. A Four-spotted Chaser was my sixth dragon of the day. Best butterfly at Priors Hall was a female Silver-washed Fritillary though a second Gatekeeper as mentioned earlier was none too shoddy either.

Silver-washed Fritillary and Green-veined White.

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