Monday 24 December 2018

Christmas Eve at Barnwell.

I had a later than usual start today arriving at Oundle some time after midday. At least the weather was a vast improvement over yesterday's when rain stopped play with the sun putting in a welcome appearance.

Barnwell sunset.

The floods near Barnwell Lock continue to rise though they have yet to attract much of note. An Egyptian Goose and a growing gaggle of Canadas had managed to find them and so too had a flock of Lapwings. Duck numbers had dropped a tad though this may have been due to some disturbance. Not much else along the river though there was a female Mandarin on the Princess fishing lake.

Egyptian Goose and Mandarins.

At Barnwell the action centred mostly around the Kingfisher hide where both the male and female were present though only the former showed well. There was not a great deal else to report apart from three Mandarins and I was far too late to have a chance of catching any of the recently reported Otters, I'll have to try an earlier visit in the new year.

Kingfisher, Dabchick, Black-headed Gull and Cormorants.

I'd like to finish by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, hopefully 2019 will bring more interesting stuff to look at.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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